I recently purchased a new laptop, (Hp Envy 14) that came pre-installed with windows. After leaving it on the hard drive for some time i finally needed the space. I shrank the partition as small as it could go but alas i have a SSD and every GB is expensive and needed.
I thought to myself what’s the best way to back this up, dd + nc was the way to go i thought.
I have been meaning to write this Blog post regarding using Hiera as sort of an ENC for a very long time but I have never got round to it. Until On a recent trip to Melbourne I suffered from jet lag so finally got round to writing it.
I believe that the best solution to a problem is normally the simplest one. For example I recently did some work for a client and will use the solution to highlight a way of driving everything from Hiera and the date we lookup for it.
My last article covered by original mail setup after some usage i have tweaked it even more so i have to do even less.
I have now introduced imapfilter that can move messages to the correct mail folder before i run offlineimap.
First you need to setup ~.imapfilter/config.lua
{% codeblock lang:ini %} – Options – options.timeout = 120 options.subscribe = true – Accounts – Account = IMAP { server = ‘mail.